As anticipated by specialists, the Secretariat of Health of Yucatan (SSY) reports that dengue cases are decreasing, so it is expected that in the coming days, the number of people with dengue will decrease even more.
According to data from the local agency, in the last week, 64 cases were reported, which compared to the ‘peak’ week, have decreased, since 170 cases had been counted in one week during the ‘peak of the epidemic’.
Regarding these data, the Secretary of Health of the State of Yucatan, Mauricio Sauri Vivas indicated that the rate of infections is decreasing and is expected to be even higher in the coming weeks, which will have the decongestion of hospitals, as several people were reported to have been admitted for complications from the disease.
As of the last report, Yucatan has 8,718 official cases registered, however, the figure could be even higher.
The Epidemiological Overview of Dengue reflects that 453 cases of the disease were reported, while the previous week, 742 cases were reported, a decrease of 40 percent.
Although this figure represents a decrease, the average incidence per 100,000 inhabitants is still 373.78 percent.
Dengue with alarming signs
Regarding alarm cases, the Ministry of Health reports that Yucatan has 4,734 cases or 54.30 percent of the total number of cases.

It is worth mentioning that although dengue figures are decreasing, the Yucatan Peninsula continues to be the area with the highest incidence, with 13,594 cases.
In terms of deaths, Yucatan has seven officially confirmed cases of dengue.
Although the numbers appear to be decreasing, the SSY asks the population not to lower their guard and to follow the recommendations of the authorities to avoid contracting dengue in Yucatan.
TYT Newsroom