Yucatán and Airbnb present a program to improve community tourism

To provide tools and skills to communities and cooperatives that offer community tourism, the Yucatán Secretariat of Tourism Promotion (Sefotur) with Airbn México and Unicef ​​presented the Skills Improvement Program for Community Tourism.

This program will be carried out in October and November with approximately 60 cooperatives or families that offer community tourism, and it is expected that at least 20 will be able to upload their experiences to the Airbnb platform to bring tourism to their communities.

“They will be trained in community tourism management, cultural and natural heritage, as well as marketing, how to use the Airbnb platform how to calculate prices. The objective is that in the end, they upload their community tourism experiences to the platform so that people who search coming to Yucatán they see them,” said Alejandra Cors from Airbnb México.

The secretary of Tourism of Yucatán, Michelle Fridman, pointed out that the state is a pioneer in applying this program, pointing out that the experiences lived in the communities are unique and there is no other way to live them other than by going to the place.

“Tourism must reach where it is most needed, tourism could not stay in Mérida, most of the restaurants are here, but tourism is not only needed here. What we have done these five years is bring tourism to every corner of Yucatán, to each municipality and tourist regions, bringing infrastructure, training, equipment, and creating tourism products hand in hand with the communities so that they benefit.”

In the same way, she pointed out that it is important to have sustainable tourism, which is not only taking care of the environment but also society and ensuring that the economy is inclusive and long-term, “when we bring tourism to these communities we are benefiting everyone in the state and we make more responsible and long-term tourism where we all fit.”

Mario Tuz from the Co’ox Mayab cooperative was also at the event, as well as community tourism entrepreneurs Elizabeth Interián and Ana Piña Canul. They commented what their ventures are about and that they hope they can be strengthened with these trainings.

TYT Newsroom

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