If you are planning to move to Merida and you come from another state, country, or even another municipality in Yucatan, it is necessary to keep in mind that the north zone is one of the best in the Yucatan capital to start living.
In this part of the city it is the most popular, due to its constant growth, high level of security and added value. In addition, because of the direct access to services such as private hospitals, shopping centers, schools and good connectivity to different parts of the city, also the North zone is about 25 minutes away from Yucatan.
Houses in the North of Merida have a cost from 1.5 million pesos up to 50 million pesos, depending on the neighborhood and type of construction that the person is looking for, it is important to remember that Merida is considered one of the best cities to live in Mexico.
Best neighborhoods in the North of Merida:

It has one of the most prestigious shopping centers which is Plaza Altabrisa and the best first level hospitals, such as the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad.
Benito Juárez Norte

It is connected to important streets of Mérida such as Prolongación Paseo Montejo and Avenida Tecnológico. It is a neighborhood surrounded by services such as banks, shopping malls and restaurants.

Located in this neighborhood between Prolongación Montejo Avenue and Tecnológico Avenue, its main site is the Club Campestre which has soccer fields, tennis courts, tennis courts, and a restaurant.
TYT Newsroom