Mérida’s Gastronomic Corridor would be completed this month

Gastronomic Corridor (Photo: SIPSE)

The director of Economic and Tourism Development of the Mérida City Council , José Luis Martínez Semerena reported that the construction of the Gastronomic Tourism Corridor will end this month.

The delays in the completion of the project were mainly due to the changes that the final stretch registered, such as the incorporation of natural gas to provide a more economical service to restaurateurs.

“We must remember that some modifications have arisen in the project, in which different factors have come together. Initially, only 47th Street was going to be intervened as City Hall, but the Government of the State of Yucatán joined in with 60th Street, also ending with Parque de La Plancha, so it will be a great tourist and gastronomic corridor, for which we hope that in this month of September we can already be delivering it ”, he pointed out.

In an interview, the municipal official commented that more companies were joining the project, for example, the natural gas company, which was in charge of the underground wiring, which will have that area of ​​the city of Mérida, which caused the gradual delay of the 47th street works.

“It is that in the end some companies were added; An example is that at all times we proposed that the wiring be underground; Later, a natural gas company arrived to be able to offer this product, and thereby reduce the operating costs of the restaurateurs in the area,” he said.

Events to launch the Gastronomic Corridor of Mérida  

He added that connectivity companies also entered to improve all services such as the internet and telephony, “that is mainly the adjustments that were being made… The idea is that it be a radical change, not only a partial arrangement, but a comprehensive change in the whole corridor.

Semerena Martínez announced that there are events planned to take place at that site for October, November and December.

In this project, the State Government is investing 187 million pesos (11 million USD) on the section of Calle 60 that goes from the Plaza Grande to the Santa Ana Park. And the Mérida City Council is allocating an extra 78 million pesos (4.5 million USD). on the other section that goes from “La Plancha” to the “Remate del Paseo Montejo”. 

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1 comment

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