If you are a qualified professional looking for a job, Tren Maya has announced a call for hiring new talent from Yucatan and the southeastern region of the country.
They started receiving applications on September 20th, but the state government only announced the call on Thursday.
The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) has invited technically trained university graduates and/or professionals to join the Tren Maya project, and the document reception will take place from September 20th to September 26th.
They are looking for individuals with a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree in areas such as:
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- International Business
- Law
- Public Administration
- Political Science
- Economics
- Archiving
- Public Accounting
- Systems Engineering
- Administration
- Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electromechanical Engineering
- Pedagogy
- Education
- Educational Technology
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Geology
- Architecture
Interested individuals should send their updated curriculum vitae on the assigned date based on the first letter of their last name:
- A, B, C, D, E: September 20, 2023
- F, G, H, I, J: September 21, 2023
- K, L, M, N, Ñ: September 22, 2023
- O, P, Q, R, S: September 25, 2023
- T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z: September 26, 2023
The curriculum should be sent to the email address: [email protected].
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