Ancestral embroidery techniques brought back in Tulum

The Directorate for the Promotion and Integration of Gender Perspective in Tulum has launched the program “Economic Empowerment of Women in the Tourism Sector” to rescue ancestral embroidery techniques on textiles that are recognized by both national and international buyers.

The head of this department, Maribel Cruz Rodríguez, stated that, under the instructions of Mayor Diego Castañón, the economic and tourist development in the capital of the Mayan Caribbean must generate economic opportunities and business prospects for women, especially those living in remote and marginalized areas.

She added that the goal of Tulum’s mayor is to rescue and promote ancestral Mayan embroidery techniques, such as those applied to cotton and canvas, which can subsequently be marketed nationally and globally.

According to the official, on August 30th, a workshop was held in Sahcabmucuy, benefiting 55 embroiderers, who join embroiderers from Hondzonot and Chanchen.

The closing of the fourth module of the embroidery workshop, consisting of 4 modules, was attended by deputies Silvia Dzul, Andrés González, Mildred Ávila, Elda Xix, Humberto Aldana, José María Chacón, Omar Rodríguez, the syndic María Teresa Arana, councilor David Manances Tah Balam, the director of Promotion, Mari del Cruz Rodríguez, the director of Tourism, Geovanny Balam, the director of Economy, Bady Gómez, and the director of Planning, Miriam Góngora, as well as the delegate Cristobal Canul.

It is important to note that the next workshop will be held for Yaxche and Chanchen Palmar, with plans to begin in October.

Anticipated 90% Occupancy in Restaurants for Independence Day in Cancun

The National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) anticipates an occupancy rate of between 90 and 100 percent during the upcoming weekend due to Independence Day celebrations on September 15th and 16th.

Julio Villarreal, president of the restaurant organization, mentioned that the expectations for this weekend are very high for the sector, which has seen a decline in consumption so far in September.

TYT Newsroom

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