Alstom México released details about the Maya Train tests that were carried out in the Yucatan Peninsula.
Rolling stock manufacturer Alstom Mexico carries out maintenance in the locomotives of the main freight operators in Mexico, such as Ferromex, Ferrosur, Kansas City Southern de México, and Ferrovalle, in addition to modernizing and maintaining the Metrorrey Collective Transportation System in Nuevo León.
Alstom has delivered the first train of the Tren Maya project to the federal government and Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo.
The first test run was carried out on the Maya Train route in the Yucatan Peninsula. On Saturday, September 2nd, the convoy stopped for more than an hour near Yaxcabá, and the journey was made at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour.
On Monday, September 4th, during the morning press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Maite Ramos Gómez, director of Alstom México, explained the reasons why this tour was made at such low speed and with interruptions.
Over the weekend, the traction and braking system was tested, “which allows us to make the train move forward and brake, but also with the set-up. That is to say, it starts at a low speed, we cannot expect that the first route will go at 160 kilometers of speed because it does not work like that. The trains are tested little by little, and the speed will increase in time, but above all, the railway dynamics needs to be tested».
“Testing an empty train is not the same as testing a train with passengers, and in this case, since we were also carrying a very important passenger, we had to do it well,” Maite Ramos concluded.
TYT Newsroom