Home Food and Drink Wondering what to order on your next trip to Mérida?

Wondering what to order on your next trip to Mérida?

by Yucatan Times
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Yucatecan food in Merida

Yucatecan food is a unique and delicious cuisine that reflects the rich history and culture of the Yucatan Peninsula. The region, which includes the states of Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, was home to the ancient Maya civilization, and their influence can still be seen in the ingredients, flavors, and techniques of Yucatecan cooking.

Some of the most common ingredients are corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, chilies, citrus fruits, and achiote, a red spice that gives many dishes their distinctive color and taste. Yucatecan food also incorporates influences from other cultures, such as Spanish, Lebanese, Caribbean, and African.

Cochinita Pibil (Photo: SIPSE)

One of the best places to try Yucatecan food is Merida, the capital and largest city of Yucatan. Merida has a vibrant gastronomic scene, with restaurants, markets, street stalls, and food trucks offering a variety of dishes for every palate and budget. Some of the most popular dishes to try in Merida are:

  • Cochinita Pibil: Slow-roasted pork marinated in achiote and sour orange juice, wrapped in banana leaves, and cooked in an underground oven. It is usually served with tortillas, pickled red onions, and habanero salsa.
  • Sopa de Lima: A refreshing soup made with chicken broth, lime juice, shredded chicken, fried tortilla strips, and cilantro.
  • Panuchos and Salbutes: Fried corn tortillas topped with refried beans, shredded turkey or chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and onion. Panuchos have beans stuffed inside the tortilla, while Salbutes do not.
  • Papadzules: Corn tortillas dipped in pumpkin seed sauce and filled with hard-boiled eggs. They are topped with tomato sauce and pumpkin seeds.
  • Relleno negro: A dark-colored stew made with turkey or chicken cooked in a paste of roasted chilies, spices, and burnt tortillas.
Sopa de Lima Photo: Roaming Around the World

These are just some of the many delicious dishes that you can find in Merida. If you want to experience the authentic flavors of Yucatan, you should definitely visit this city and try its amazing cuisine. You will not regret it!

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