During the vacation seasons, the consumption of substances, mainly alcohol, increases between 20% and 30%, says Víctor Roa Muñoz, director of the Youth Integration Center (CIJ) in Yucatán.
“In the holiday periods, especially in summer and winter, people have a lot of leisure time, there are many parties… All of this is related to the consumption of alcohol, which is the main substance consumed in the State,” says Roa Munoz.
In addition, he comments that people who are already habitual consumers increase the consumption of other types of substances during the holiday season.
The expert points out that although when talking about addiction people think primarily of young people, but the greatest consumption of substances happens among adults who are already regular or chronic users since they have more resources.
“In the case of young people because of the notoriety they make in terms of parties, in terms of meetings it is where you can see more; but, generally, in them, it is starting (consumption), and in the adults, there is already (an addiction)”, he says.
After alcohol, the substances whose consumption increases the most in the season are marijuana and crystal, the latter, however, is the one that has had the greatest increase in a few years.
“Crystal, unfortunately, is the substance with the greatest consumption and the greatest impact in the state, and where the greatest increase has been seen”, and it is that, remember, in 2019 the consumption rate was 14% and in 2022 closed with 58 %.
“What happens with crystal is that it is a cheap and highly toxic substance, and to avoid withdrawal syndrome, which is very unpleasant, very shocking, people continue to consume it.”
Roa Muñoz recalls that the CIJ has, in its two care units (Central and Periférico Sur) permanent prevention and health promotion programs, and outpatient treatment services. Likewise, they also take care of other mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, violence, and suicidal risk.
“The important thing is not to let a lot of time go by when they detect a consumption problem, and that they can seek help,” says Roa Muñoz.
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