Minors continue to work on the streets of Mérida

It is acknowledged that there are still underage children working on the streets and avenues of Mérida.

The president of the civil association “Hogares Maná,” Víctor Chan Martín, warned that, after the incident in which “Iker,” a child of Chiapaneco origin who was begging for money on the streets of the state capital, lost his life, the situation has decreased, but there are still reports of children in the same situation.

“I believe it has decreased, yes, I think the presence is minimal compared to before the incident, yes, but the most important thing is that there should never be anyone. This is a matter of children’s human rights, not a matter of will,” he stated.

The leader of the organization recalled that the Yucatán Penal Code addresses human trafficking and begging by minors for exploitation purposes, making it clear that supporting this practice also involves breaking the law.

Likewise, the public was once again urged not to give money to these children and to report such cases to the relevant authorities so that the situation of the minors in question can be addressed.

Similarly, it was emphasized that various civil associations have initiated a strategy to raise awareness among the public about this issue, aiming to prevent cooperation with possible acts of exploitation.

TYT Newsroom

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