Home LifestyleEntertainment Historic! Mexican cyclist Isaac del Toro dominates the Under-23 Tour de France

Historic! Mexican cyclist Isaac del Toro dominates the Under-23 Tour de France

by Sofia Navarro
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At just 19 years old, Isaac del Toro achieved a historic milestone by securing victory in the 59th edition of the ‘Tour de l’Avenir’, also known as the Tour de France Under-23.

He also established himself as the seventh Latin American cyclist to achieve this feat and the first representing Mexico to ever triumph in this competition.

Immediately after crossing the finish line, the cyclist couldn’t contain his emotions, even falling to the ground.

Cameras captured his tears of happiness on his face, as he couldn’t believe what was happening.

His team and the rest of the cyclists approached to congratulate him. He even had to pause in the middle of an interview because he was still processing his victory.

Del Toro finished in second place in the Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise sprint, the final stage of the journey, which allowed him to take the top spot in the general classification with a total time of 22 hours, three minutes, and 24 seconds.

The second and third positions in the competition were taken by Italians Giulio Pelizzari (1:13) and Davide Piganzoli (1:42), respectively.

Hailing from Ensenada, Baja California, Del Toro developed a passion for cycling from the age of four, thanks to his parents, who are enthusiasts of this discipline.

TYT Newsroom

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