Governor Mauricio Vila presents -Peek Friendly- in Kanasin, Yucatan

Mauricio Vila in Kanasin (Photo- YAM)

In order to promote the welfare of domestic and stray animals and guarantee their protection, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented the Peek’ Friendly project, a public policy that, with activities such as fairs and walks, seeks to carry out sterilization campaigns and promote the registration of our animals company to obtain your Animal Identity Form.

Peek’ (pronounced Pêk), means “dog” in Mayan language.

In Kanasín, the Governor announced the details of this public policy, which also implements programs that promote responsible adoption, the reduction of the street situation of companion animals in the state, as well as proper pet ownership, through of strategic alliances and citizen participation.

During his visit to Kanasin, accompanied by the host mayor, Edwin Bojórquez Ramírez, the Governor provided the House of Culture with equipment, so that it can continue its operation in favor of the community, and handed over the remodeling works of the “Casa Ejidal“.

Later, by sharing a message with the local population, the Governor affirmed that Kanasín is a place of hard-working, responsible people who want to get ahead, which is being promoted with actions and schemes to improve this region.

Now, we realize that never before has so much work been done in Kanasín, as now: more streets are being built than ever, more parks, they will have the most modern public transportation system in all of Latin America and, thus, we will continue working here, he added.

In this sense, he asserted that his government is working for everyone, especially for the poorest and those who need it most; As a result, in the last poverty evaluation, it was recorded that, during the last 2 years, more than 236,000 people came out of poverty, which means the greatest advance registered in the history of Yucatán.

“We know that we still need to work hard to get out of poverty, but, with support and works, we are showing that the State Government and the Kanasín City Council are doing things well and are giving results,” he concluded.

Regarding Peek’ Friendly, the coordinator of International Affairs, Carla Marielle Ávila Storey, pointed out that it is a scheme that is executed as a team with state agencies and citizens, in addition to the goal of carrying out more than 1,000 sterilizations.

The official said that the project also contemplates the awareness and promotion of the culture of respect, as well as responsibility towards animals and dealing with cases of abuse.

TYT Newsroom

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