Don’t miss the beautiful blue supermoon visible this Wednesday, August 30th, in Yucatán

This week, there will be a phenomenon that will enhance the skies of Yucatán: the beautiful Blue Supermoon, which will be visible on the night of Wednesday, August 30th, to Thursday, August 31st, 2023.

It’s known as a Blue Moon not because of its color, but because it’s the second full moon that occurs in the same month. It’s important to remember that there was a full moon on Tuesday, August 1st.

Furthermore, this Blue Moon is a Supermoon because it will be closer to Earth’s elliptical orbit, making it appear slightly larger and brighter than usual.

In Mexico, this Blue Supermoon can be seen throughout the night, rising at 7:00 PM on August 30th and setting at 6:53 AM the following day.

If the weather permits in Yucatán, don’t miss this celestial spectacle, as it won’t happen again until the year 2037. It’s worth recalling that the last Blue Supermoon was in October 2020.

TYT Newsroom

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