Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, accused the INE, stating that they want to silence him, after the National Electoral Insititute’s Complaints Commission approved the measures requested by Senator Xóchitl Gálvez against him, for speaking about the elections during his morning press conferences.
“I’m going to look like ‘Kiko’ (a TV character from El Chavo del Ocho), they want to silence me, they don’t want me to speak, and where is freedom of speech, and the freedom of expression and the right to reply and the right to disagree? Are these not basic principles of democracy?”, he complained.
Despite this situation, before they try to brush me off, tell Claudio X. González (a Mexican businessman against whom AMLO has an obsession), that we are conducting an investigation of the Xóchitl contracts, about his protégé who, as a government offficial, received contracts for her companies”.
In this context, AMLO pointed out that the senator obtained contracts for 1.4 billion pesos, to which Gálvez later replied that this is absolutely false, like most of the stuff the President talks about during his morning conferences.
TYT Newsroom