Home Headlines Mauricio Vila shares on social networks a Spotify playlist for his trip from Yucatan to China

Mauricio Vila shares on social networks a Spotify playlist for his trip from Yucatan to China

by Yucatan Times
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The Governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Vila Dosal, is on a trip to the Far East to promote Yucatan and establish agreements and thus enter the Chinese market with Yucatecan products.

But to make his long flight more enjoyable, the Yucatecan president made a playlist on Spotify, which he shared on his social networks, showing that he has very varied musical tastes.

Among the songs found are: a x100to by Bad Bunny and Grupo Frontera, Me Rehuso by Danny Ocean, Ojitos Lindos by Bad Bunny, Cuando Calienta el Sol by Luis Miguel, Wake me Up by Avicci, Color Esperanza by Diego Torres and La Carlos Vives and Shakira’s bike, just to mention a few.

Here we share an image with some of the governor’s favorite songs:

New investments in Yucatan

Apparently Vila Dosal’s trip to China had good results, since it will be in the month of November when Yucatecan companies begin to be suppliers of merchandise to that nation. On his first working day, the governor held a meeting with Sun Xiao, general director of the China Chamber of Commerce.

In this way, the Yucatan network of contacts is expanded to a significant number of companies and the Yucatan-China relationship is strengthened, which opens the possibility of more trade agreements for the benefit of Yucatecan companies.

TYT Newsroom

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