The “Va y Ven” transportation system arrives to western Merida

Until next November, the new transport route "Va y ven" will begin operations. Photo: (Sipse)

With 35 modern units, the new routes Centro-Komchén, Centro-CRIT, Centro-Francisco de Montejo and Centro-Pensiones will start operating this Monday, June 12.

In order to support the economy of Yucatecan families, the cost will be free during the first week, when the service will be tested to guarantee the best conditions once payment begins, which will be exclusively through the “Va y ven” card.

Starting this Monday 12, the routes Gran Plaza- Facultad de Ingeniería- Parque Industrial- Komchén, which merges the 24 Chuburná Calle 20- Francisco de Montejo and the 27 Facultad de Ingeniería- Komchén, will begin to operate.

The route Chuburná- CICY- Preparatoria 8- Francisco de Montejo- Facultad de Matemáticas- CRIT will replace the Chuburná Calle 21 R2 Tecnológico, which already has 6 trucks. Its stop will be at 61st and 54th and 56th in the Historic Center.

The Chuburná- Glorieta Cantaritos- Calle 61 Francisco de Montejo will replace the Ibérica avenida 58 y Reforma route; with the new service, there will be 7 vehicles and the frequency will be 12 minutes, on average. The boarding and alighting zone will be located at 65th Street by 50th and 52nd.

Likewise, Route 85 Issste Pensiones- IMSS “La Ceiba”- Residencial Pensiones will replace the Pensiones Fovissste route. Its stop will be located at 61st and 54th and 56th in Centro.

In this way, the routes of the west, north and commissaries of Merida are renewed with 35 modern buses and a frequency of 12 minutes between them, compared to the current 25 and a waiting time that reaches up to 30 minutes; in addition, the Institute of Mobility and Territorial Urban Development (Imdut) is working on the installation of bus stops every 450 meters, which will allow faster transfers.

TYT Newsroom

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