Consumption of ice, soft drinks, and purified water increases in Yucatan

The city’s businesses have not been heavily affected economically due to the blackouts, as many have their own power plants, stated Levy Abraham Macari, the president of the Mérida Chamber of Commerce (Canacome).

“The blackouts have occurred because the power grids are working at 100%, which is something that had not been demanded of the power company (CFE) for a long time. We know that businesses are affected when the power goes out since they cannot charge customers, use their bank terminals, among other things. However, in the end, the economic impact on businesses has been minimal.”

On the other hand, the heat has benefited the industry, leading to a 16% increase in the consumption of soft drinks and carbonated beverages, a 32% increase in ice consumption, and a 30% increase in purified water consumption, according to the leader of the merchants in Mérida.

“For industries, it’s different. An industry that stops, even for a short period, loses a lot. However, we conducted a survey and found a 16% increase in the sale of soft drinks and carbonated beverages, a 32% increase in water sales compared to the previous year, and a 30% increase in ice sales, which is now reporting scarcity due to high demand. So, if we analyze it, the heat is also benefiting sales, but it will also be reflected in the energy consumption of households,” he assured.

TYT Newsroom

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1 comment

Adam December 27, 2023 - 3:43 am
It is difficult to imagine going to a restaurant or cafe without drinking soft drinks or cocktails. Especially in the summer heat. To make ice, catering establishments use a special device called an ice maker. And to create cold cocktails, ice of various shapes is usually used, here you can find more information about the ice press machine
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