Home LifestyleArt and Culture “Pasos de Luz en Dzibilchaltún” is a sold-out for the Noche Blanca

“Pasos de Luz en Dzibilchaltún” is a sold-out for the Noche Blanca

by Yucatan Times
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 On Saturday, May 13, the video mapping “Pasos de Luz en Dzibilchaltún” registers a sold-out.

The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Yucatan and Cultur informed that they will offer nine free shows of the video mapping “Pasos de Luz en Dzibilchaltún”, as a contribution to expanding the range of cultural events that will be offered during “La Noche Blanca”, the tickets sold out in a matter of hours, due to the great demand that was had, so there is no more space for said event.

The INAH asked the citizens who could not buy their tickets not to go to the archaeological zone wanting to witness the show since access is limited and only those who have their tickets will be able to enter.

“We already have a full capacity and no more tickets will be given for the video mapping, other events will be announced soon but for now the functions that will take place on the White Night are already complete, those who do not have tickets please do not attend, because no they may be given access,” said the Institute.

By registering in advance on the official website, the INAH and Cultur give a pass to a thousand people, the tour of the audio-light show will not only include the stop at the cenote, since for security reasons no more than 60 people can be in this space , and now the groups will be more numerous per turn. The first show will be at 7:30 p.m. and the next eight will be every 15 minutes.

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