MÉRIDA, Yucatan, May 13, 2023 – This Saturday was the fourth plogging organized by the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco Servytur), where authorities and citizens collected a total of 2.6 tons of solid waste in the vicinity of the avenue of non-polluting industries.
This activity began at 7:00 a.m., where healthy coexistence, environmental responsibility and physical activation were the protagonists.
For his part, Levy Abraham Macari, president of Canaco Merida, recalled that with this collection of solid waste, activities began in preparation for the environmental expo forum to be held from June 2 to 4 at the Yucatan Siglo XXI Convention Center.

The business leader, accompanied by Sayda Melina Rodriguez Gómez, Secretary of Sustainable Development of the Government of Yucatán; Jesús Armando Aguilar Aguilar, Technical Secretary of Sports of the City of Mérida; Alejandra Bolio Rojas, Director of the Sustainable Development Unit of Merida and Mauricio López Cantón, President of the Organizing Committee of Expoforo Ambiental, recalled the Chamber’s permanent commitment to the environment.
“As you already know, our commitment at the Chamber is permanent, proof of this, not only these events, but we also have deposits to collect batteries, oil and pet in our facilities which ensures the proper handling and disposal of polluting waste,” he said.
He also extended an invitation to the attendees to replicate these actions among their neighbors, and even other neighborhoods in order to continue with a clean city and a clean state.

The next activity will take place on May 27th and will be a beach cleanup in the port of Telchac.
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