Home Headlines Drowned woman dies on beach between Chabihau-Santa Elena

Drowned woman dies on beach between Chabihau-Santa Elena

by Magali Alvarez
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MÉRIDA, Yuc., April 3, 2023.- A woman drowned this Sunday at Marmota beach, located between Chabihau and Santa Elena.

According to information obtained, the woman, originally from Motul, had entered the sea in a drunken state and was swept away by the waves. Her partner, upon noticing the situation, tried to rescue her, but the strong waves also put him at risk.

Bathers and municipal police from Dzidzantún and the SSP managed to rescue the man, but when the woman was pulled out, she no longer had vital signs.

The area was cordoned off for the corresponding work, while the partner of the deceased was taken to a hospital in Merida.

TYT Newsroom

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