Through the project “Touring the Southeast with Cine Móvil ToTo”, 11 communities in Yucatán will have the opportunity to be part of this traveling film tour generated with renewable energy, by pedaling bicycles, which will offer free screenings of current Mexican cinema until March 12.
It is worth remembering that this project is being carried out for the fourth time in the state, which according to the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE) has chosen the Yucatan region as the one with the fewest alternative exhibition spaces.
According to CMT’s co-founder, Roberto Serrano, the project was born with the intention of bringing Mexican cinema to the most remote areas of the country, since these are communities where a movie theater is up to three hours away and where there is no internet access.
The screenings are held outdoors, generating their own energy, thanks to the simple but powerful pedaling of bicycles and a solar panel.
He emphasized that with 1,200 screenings and more than 3,833 hours of Mexican film screenings; 180,000 kilometers traveled and more than 1,400,000,000 watts generated in green energy; the Toto Mobile Cinema celebrates ten years of bringing Mexican cinema to the entire country. Throughout this time, the project has benefited thousands of people in more than a thousand communities by bringing them art and culture free of charge.
After Tixcacalcupul and the screening this March 2 in Tekom, on March 3 they will continue in Uayma, March 5 in Tinum, March 6 in Espita, March 7 in Panabá, March 9 in Buctzotz, March 10 in Dzoncahuich, March 11 in Hunucmá and March 12 in Halachó.
The films to be screened are: Los lobos, Todo en juego, Cuando los hijos regresan, Cosas Imposibles, Esto no es Berlín, Domingo, among many others. It is worth mentioning that before the films, short films made by the Museo Interactivo de Economía will be shown with examples of family economics.
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