Home Headlines Yucatan organizes collection of canned food and other items for earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey

Yucatan organizes collection of canned food and other items for earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey

by Yucatan Times
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The civil association Caritas de Yucatán is organizing a collection to help the victims of last Monday’s earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, urging citizens to contribute their grain of sand for the benefit of the population of these two nations.

Through its social networks, the non-profit organization published an image requesting the support of Yucatecans, in solidarity with the people who practically lost everything during the earthquake.

“Let’s help our affected brothers and sisters who have suffered from an earthquake of great magnitude. Thousands of lives have been lost,” reads the image that asks to heed the call of Pope Francis and the Mexican Bishops for concrete solidarity.

To contribute, Caritas of Yucatan is making available to people the BBVA bank account number 0197 384 653, with interbank CLABE number 0129 1000 1973 8465 33, or phone numbers 999 335 2484 and 999 924 1911.

Likewise, at the national level Caritas Mexicana shared a publication stating that in every catastrophic event in the world, the civil association unites in solidarity with the people affected by natural disasters.

TYT Newsroom

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