The State Congress approved a point of agreement presented by congressman Rafael Echazarreta Torres to ask the Merida City Council for the master plan of Tho’ Park, as well as the environmental impact studies to be made known to the citizens.
The Morenista legislator warned that the work projected by the Mérida City Hall does not take into account the citizens and it is highly probable that it does not even have the support of a properly articulated master plan.
He assured that on the site several meters of the trees on that property have already been cut down, which are already irrecoverable. “We must be precise, a render is not a project. A render for a public work to be built, which is not supported by the corresponding studies and with the will of the citizens, is a simulation“, he exposed.
He affirmed that this way of governing can be classified as authoritarian and without citizen sensitivity, since he assured that a microsite does not represent the will of the people and someone who has occupied the same position of popular election three times as Renán Barrera has, cannot expect the citizens to elect through the Internet.
Echazarreta Torres described it as a shame that the voice of the neighbors should be silenced with an imposition and without consulting them, “As President Andrés Manuel López Obrador says, we must command by obeying and the only way to dignify politics in our city is to listen to and protect the will of the people”, he affirmed.
The point of agreement presented and approved by majority, only with the vote against of the PAN member, Karla Salazar González, deputy for the V local district, which even covers the perimeter where this park is intended to be built, is to urge the City Council to present before the Congress the master plan of Tho’ Park, as well as the environmental impact studies, since deforestation works have already begun.
In the point of agreement, which will be analyzed in upcoming sessions, the City Council is urged to exercise its constitutional faculties and request a plebiscite to the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute (Iepac), and to urge the City Council to abstain from approving any legal operation involving the lands related to Tho’ Park.
The legislator recognized in the neighbors the courage that must be had to defend our rights and reminded that politics should not be carried out only to ask for a vote or with the pettiness of championing a cause that may have a political reflection towards a person.
“If someone cannot develop his business on his property, let him sell it, because the city council is not there to solve a business, but to listen to its people”, he emphasized.
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