Home Headlines With events in Kanxoc and Maxcanú, Indemaya commemorates International Mother Tongue Day

With events in Kanxoc and Maxcanú, Indemaya commemorates International Mother Tongue Day

by Yucatan Times
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After a two-year pause caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Institute for the Development of Mayan Culture of the Government of the State of Yucatan (Indemaya) will hold a program with events in the municipalities of Maxcanú, Kanxoc, and Valladolid, to commemorate International Mother Tongue Day.

The general director of Indemaya, Eric Villanueva Mukul, pointed out that in order to promote the customs and traditions of the Mayan people, as instructed by the state governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal, this agency will hold activities on March 10th in Kanxoc, Valladolid, and on March 17th in Maxcanú.

Even though International Mother Language Day is this February 21, the events will be held until March, as the date coincides with the carnival in the Yucatecan municipalities, which is why it was decided to reschedule the activities in common agreement with the authorities of the two municipalities, he noted.

In the presence of the mayor of Maxcaú, Camilo May Cauich, and the Head of the Department of Language and Culture of Indemaya, Graciela Tec Chan, Villanueva Mukul explained that February 21 was established as International Mother Language Day to highlight the importance of mother tongues around the world, where approximately 3,000 native languages are preserved.

“Yucatan is one of the 3 states where the majority of the population is of indigenous origin, only behind Oaxaca, and in third place Chiapas,” she asserted.

In the state, approximately half a million people speak the Mayan language, which is around 25%, although the figure may be higher, as there is still a fear of claiming to be Mayan speakers when in fact it should be a source of pride, she said.

For his part, the mayor of Maxcanú, Camilo May Cauich, highlighted the importance of this municipality hosting the event, on March 17, to commemorate International Mother Language Day, as it represents the opportunity for the town to be in the spotlight of the whole state.

“We have commissariats that are still rooted in their Mayan roots and do all the existing activities of culture and tradition, but they are really being lost due to technological advances, but that does not mean that we will not hold a big event to strengthen the Mayan language and traditions,” he said.

In the case of Maxcanú, the event will begin at 6 pm in the main park, where awards will be given to outstanding people in the field of Promotion and Preservation of the Mayan Language, as well as the presentation of a Jaranera print, and the interpretation of poetry and songs in the Mayan language, which will be complemented by a craft and gastronomic exhibition.

In Kanxoc, the event will take place on March 10 at 11:00 a.m., and will include the presentation of awards to outstanding individuals in the field of the Promotion and Preservation of the Mayan Language, from the community and surrounding commissariats and other municipalities such as Chemax, songs in the Mayan language, jarana and a gastronomic and handicraft exhibition.

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