If President Andrés Manuel López Obrador denies the permits for Tesla to install its Gigafactory in Nuevo León, Elon Musk’s company will not relocate it to another part of Mexico and will take it to another country, warned sources and specialists.
After AMLO reiterated on Friday his refusal to allow the electric car assembly plant to come to the metropolitan area of Monterrey, alleging an alleged lack of water, informants close to the negotiations assured Latinus that Tesla has no plan B in Mexico:
Latinus even maintained that Friday was the deadline for Tesla to finalize or not the purchase of 1,600 hectares in Santa Catarina for the plant, for which an initial investment of 1 billion dollars and 10 billion in the coming years is expected.
The portal did not clarify whether the operation took place and EL NORTE requested a version from Governor Samuel García, but he declined to comment.
In turn, the State Communications Department declined to respond to the requests, pointing out the confidentiality of the agreement.
Although the Gigafactory requires only 44 liters per second of treated water for its processes and Nuevo León has at least 2,600 liters per second available, without touching the drinking water sources for the population, López Obrador maintains that the state does not have the liquid.
The President has proposed to take it near AIFA, the airport he is promoting, or to the southeast, where Morena governs.
When pointing out that investments such as Tesla’s are not taken at the last minute, specialists warned that the company would leave the country.
“Tesla can say that it is not a dummy that can be taken anywhere, but that it decides, and it can decide not to go to Mexico,” warned Gabriela Siller, chief economist at Banco Base.
TYT Newsroom