Home LifestyleEntertainment Magda Linette and Sloane Sthephens advance to quarterfinals in the Merida Open

Magda Linette and Sloane Sthephens advance to quarterfinals in the Merida Open

by Yucatan Times
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Top-seeded Magda Linette of Poland advanced to the quarterfinals of the Merida Open yesterday, after Hungarian Panna Udvardy withdrew due to injury. Linette, ranked 21st in the world and semifinalist of the last Australian Open, won the first set 6-0 and was down 2-5 in the second set, until Udvardy retired.

The Pole will face in the quarterfinals the Swedish Rebecca Peterson, who comes from the “qualy” and who earlier gave the surprise by beating the American Alycia Parks, fifth seeded, 6-4, 6-2.

In 24 minutes, Linette dispatched Udvardy in the first set by 6-0, who could not keep up with the favorite to win the first edition of this tournament in Merida.

With forehand and drop shots, Linette was unbeatable in the first set against Udvardy, who lost all her serves, did not finish exchanges and committed two double faults.

In the second set, both broke serve in the first five games, until Udvardy held serve in the sixth game with a good game from the service line.

In the seventh game, Udvardy broke Linette once again and when she was showing her best tennis in the eighth game, when she had a 2-5 lead, she sprained her right ankle in an exchange that put her out of action.

On the other hand, Sloane Sthephens had a very complicated night, but in the end she managed to advance in the Merida Open by defeating the Russian Varvara Gracheva in three sets by 7-5, 2-6 and 6-7 (7), to advance to the quarterfinals in almost three hours of play.

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