With the objective of developing actions that contribute to achieve better results in brand positioning and image of both destinations, thus achieving the attraction and increase of new tourists, the cities of Valladolid, Spain and Yucatan, ratified the protocol of cooperation in the field of tourism promotion.
This took place after a meeting between the Mayor of Valladolid, Óscar Puente and the head of the Secretariat of Tourism Development (Sefotur) of Yucatán, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, within the framework of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) being held in Madrid, Spain.
What does Valladolid’s collaboration consist of?
This collaboration, which began in September 2022, consists of different actions for joint tourism promotion and professionalization, to foster economic growth through tourism, competitiveness, cultural identity and the growth of both territories.
It contemplates exchanges of information and tourist material to promote Valladolid in Yucatán and Yucatán in Valladolid, as well as the realization of joint events.
In addition, the protocol includes the exchange of knowledge and practices to promote cultural and heritage tourism and gastronomic tourism.
It also contemplates the promotion of twinning between the homonymous municipalities of Valladolid in Yucatan; and Valladolid in Spain.
The Mayor of Valladolid, Alfredo Fernández Arceo, explained that with this twinning, both cities and their inhabitants will benefit, in addition to continuing with the touristic projection of the Magical Town of Valladolid.
The agreement, which will be in force until September 30, 2024, also contemplates the development of actions of attention, attraction and promotion of filming and cinematographic productions between the Mexican and Spanish towns.
In order to carry out this protocol, a Work Plan has been drawn up in which the deadlines and budgets associated with the different lines of work are established; in addition, reports will be drawn up on the work carried out and specific agreements will be formalized for the actions resulting from each line of collaboration.
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