The director of the archaeological site of Chichén Itzá, Marco Antonio Santos Ramírez, criticized the passivity of the Government of Yucatán and the Tinum City Hall in the conflict that keeps the Mérida-Cancún highway blocked at the towns of Pisté and Xcalacoop, to prevent visitors from reaching the tourist stop.
The official of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), which since 2014 has been in charge of this site considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, recalled that since January 2, 2023 the ejidatarios, artisans, service providers and farmers from communities surrounding Chichen Itza, made roadblocks that have brought economic damage to the site and surrounding businesses.
He added that although four full days have passed since the demonstration began, so far only INAH has been in charge of establishing a dialogue with the demonstrators.
The archaeologist said that neither the Patronato Cultur nor the Secretaría de Fomento Turístico (Sefotur) of Yucatán have done anything to reopen the road and resume activities at Chichén Itzá.
Santos Ramírez, who is the main target of the demonstrations, recalled that for INAH, as well as for the state and the municipality, Chichén Itzá is an archaeological zone of utmost importance, since each year more than 2.5 million visitors come to the site.
INAH charges each one of them 90 pesos to enter, but additionally the state charges two or three times more to each person, depending on their Mexican or foreign nationality.
The above, he calculated, allowed the archaeological zone to leave during 2022 profits of 170 million pesos to the federation, but between 500 and 600 million pesos to the state.
“In Chichén, with few exceptions, we are really alone, look at it now, who is now at the parador? my people, afraid that the community or these groups will take over the facilities”, mentioned the director of Chichén Itzá.
He also pointed out that the state and the municipality have been omissive in their efforts to regulate the situation of street vendors inside the tourist parador, as well as to combat the presence of “fake” tourist guides, who are dedicated to defrauding visitors.
TYT Newsroom