In Mérida it is urgent that municipal authorities, business chambers and civil society be trained in first aid maneuvers, to avoid the loss of lives due to the lack of action in the crucial first minutes after an accident, agreed representatives of these different orders.
At the start of the first aid training sessions for tourism and commercial service providers, the president of the Mexican Association of Hotels in Yucatán (AMHY), Juan José Martín Pacheco, commented that if we want to have a first class city, it is necessary to prevent deaths like the one that happened on Friday at the Mr. Pampas restaurant, where a 26 year old man died of asphyxiation.
During the event held this Monday at the Olimpo Cultural Center, the hotel leader pointed out that it is necessary for each lodging center in the city and the state to have an immediate reaction brigade.
“We had an unfortunate event last weekend, where if we had the training to all of us who have direct contact with tourists and local people (…) first aid is very important while the professional arrives,” said Martin Pacheco.
For his part, the mayor of Merida, Renan Barrera Concha, indicated that for prevention, first aid techniques should be present in any sector with dynamic interaction with many people.
That is why in return for the million pesos given annually to the Mexican Red Cross for the maintenance of its facilities and ambulances, they agreed to carry out training courses with municipal agencies and business sectors such as hoteliers, shopkeepers and restaurateurs.
“We not only want to train people, but we want them to train us trainers, that we have an increasing number of personnel who can train others, until we have an awareness and a culture of prevention,” he commented.
Barrera Concha referred that until last weekend there was no strategy linking the business chambers with the Red Cross and the laws do not oblige companies to take the training course with this institution.
“Today it is a responsibility of the different spaces and what we are looking for is that there is an awareness for those who are waiters, cooks, garroteros, that is why the Canirac is also participating in these courses, they can request them and have them, but it is not a legal obligation, neither of the Ministry of Health, nor of the municipal Civil Protection,” he responded.
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