Cases of Influenza on the rise in Yucatan, report health authorities

Yucatan registers 55 positive cases of influenza, as confirmed by the National Epidemiological Surveillance System (Sinave).

Based on weekly reports, during the seasonal season of this disease, 12 more cases of this illness were registered in one week in the state.

Also, only one death has been reported so far.

In general, cases of this disease had a notorious increase last week, as confirmed by federal authorities themselves, reaching 5,554 counted at national level, as well as 81 deaths due to this cause so far.

Nuevo Leon tops the list of cases with 921, followed by Queretaro with 782, Mexico City with 573 and Aguas Calientes with 540.

Jalisco and Zacatecas top the list of people who have died from this cause with 8 each.

TYT Newsroom

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