Activists promote new injunction against the Mayan Train

The activist assured that the communities through which the line of the Mayan Train passes do not support the project

CDMX.- Activists from the “Sélvame del Tren” collective announced that they will file a new injunction against the works of the Mayan Train, to prevent the placement of piles in Section 5 in order not to affect the cenotes and caves, as announced by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

In an interview, Gemma Santana pointed out that “the environmental impact statement that came out after they destroyed the jungle does not allow the issue of the piles. We are about to take out another protection because as they want to implement it, it is not viable and the work to carry out the studies would have to be restricted again ”.

The activist assured that the communities through which the Mayan Train route passes do not support the project, and those who do are Ejidatarios from whom the Government has bought their lands.

TYT Newsroom

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