The classic little corner store, with a wall that stands procrastinating on Calle 87 in Mérida, goes unnoticed. Only a few passersby glance over to greet its perpetual inhabitant, a small, makeshift-looking bust standing next to a gate.
(Relatos e historias en México).- It is not the face of a former neighbor or the figure of a politician determined to leave a legacy. It is a figure close to home, the one who was a charro, a boxer, a patrolman, rich and poor. The one who went from idol to legend the day his plane crashed in this place.
In the early morning of April 15, 1957, Pedro Infante set out to fly from Merida to Mexico City. An experienced aviation captain, he was a survivor of two airplane mishaps, the last one very risky. However, his passion was stronger than his fear. His C-87 Liberator Express, used in World War II and adapted for commercial use, was known to be a difficult beast to tame.
Shortly after takeoff, the beloved Pedrito lost control. A few kilometers from the runway, smoke is already visible at the scene of the mishap. It is said that the plane is to blame; it is also said that the pilot maneuvered badly. The truth is that it does not matter. The front pages report that Pedro Infante has died.

As soon as it was known who the pilot was, the crowd gathered up; they cried in sorrow and pain. The swallows sound at the airport.
In Mérida, there will always be a space to remember the idol very close to the scene of the accident, but not in the exact right place.
Pedro Infante lives in the hearts of all Mexicans.
TYT Newsroom