Home Feature Millionaire theft… of wines! 132 bottles taken from Coque restaurant in Madrid

Millionaire theft… of wines! 132 bottles taken from Coque restaurant in Madrid

by Yucatan Times
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A new mafia seems to have emerged in Spain that is after the country’s prized bottles of wine from restaurants, valued at thousands of euros. It first happened at the Atrio hotel restaurant, run by chef Toño Pérez and José Polo, who in October 2021 fell victim to criminals who made off with 45 bottles worth 1.6 million euros.

(Excelsior).- Lara Guevara, Miss Earth Estado de México 2016, 29 years old, along with Costatin Golubic was accused of participating in that robbery.

This time it happened at the Coque restaurant in Madrid, which boasts two Michelin Stars and is located on Marqués de Riscal street.

The robbery took place after accessing a nearby pharmacy that was closed and through which the thieves were able to reach the wine cellar from where they took 132 bottles of wine, worth more than 200 thousand euros.

The Spanish National Police is already investigating the robbery and it is believed that it was an inside job, since the bottles that were taken are among the most expensive and it was the only thing that was stolen.

Rafael Sandoval, Mario Sandoval’s brother, and partner explained in the program Espejo Público of Antena 3 that the assailants tried to enter through a hole in adjoining premises, however, “unable to do so, they went down through a courtyard” that shares the restaurant with the pharmacy and so after breaking a glass they were able to enter the wine cellar.

The robbery took place on Sunday, October 30th, when the thieves took advantage of the fact that the restaurant was closed Sunday and Monday. It was not until Tuesday, November 1st, that the owners of Coque became aware of the robbery and filed a complaint.

TYT Newsroom

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