This Wednesday the State Government announced the creation of the Metropolitan System for Waste Management, which will address the garbage problem of Merida, Uman, Kanasin, Progreso, Conkal, Tixpeual and Ucú.
Now, the garbage produced in these municipalities will be disposed of at the Merida Landfill, and no longer at the previous sites where the waste was transported.
The system also contemplates the closure of open-air dumps, the establishment of transfer stations, the promotion of differentiated collection, and equipment to improve garbage collection.
At the International Congress Center (CIC), Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal unveiled this strategy, for which the municipalities involved signed an agreement for the creation of a Decentralized Operating Body (OPD).
The OPD will guarantee coordinated participation between the parties and the continuity of these actions, regardless of changes in public management.
In his speech, Mr. Vila stated that the creation of this System is a historic step for the State, specifically for the metropolitan area, as it addresses the growth it has experienced in recent years.
He also highlighted the importance of the contribution of the private sector, as SANA will invest 15 million pesos in sanitation, closures and the transfer station in Kanasín.
Meanwhile, the municipalities will be allocating resources and working on their solid waste management.
Among the benefits that this project will bring are a reduction in open dumps, from 10.4% to zero in the area; an increase in the correct disposal of waste; and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 42,158 tCO2e per year, equivalent to the emissions of 206,000 cars that travel through the city each year.
This will contribute to a notable reduction in soil, water, and air pollution, as well as reduce public health risks; in addition, solid waste management will be improved, with more adequate and endorsed practices, while actions will be taken to promote the circular economy and a culture of sustainability among Yucatecan citizens.
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