To maintain economic, social and cultural development in Mérida, the City Council works with public policies focused on financial order and accountability, fostering a culture of transparency, guaranteeing the rule of law and efficient administrative processes that generate better living conditions for everyone, assured Mayor Renán Barrera Concha.
Within the framework of the National Convention of Delegations, Sectors and Industrial Branches of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), Yucatán Delegation, the Mayor gave the conference “Mérida, Momentum and Opportunity” at the Yucatán International Congress Center (CIC), which was attended by representatives of the industrial sector from all over the country.
At the conference, Mr. Barrera Concha highlighted among the relevant topics security, regulatory improvement, cultural and gastronomic tourism, education and employment, which are the areas that make Merida an attractive city to increase sources of investment, allowing the economic recovery of the Municipality after the global pandemic.
Before the representatives of the industrial sector of the country, he emphasized that these important indexes that make Merida a national reference, are the result of the joint work carried out by the City Hall of Merida and the State Government to attract more investments to the capital of Yucatan.
He added that Mérida is one of the central points of commercial activity, due to the fact that it concentrates more than 50 percent of the state’s economic activity.
“The tourism industry is currently the strongest sector in Yucatan, with 540 hotels and 14,658 rooms, of which there are 258 hotels in Merida and 19 more are under construction, which will increase the city’s hotel offer by 1,400 rooms,” he said.
In addition to this sector, he added, there is the manufacturing industry, furniture services, the construction industry and education, to which we have tried to give a boost through programs such as the Municipal Center for Entrepreneurs, Circle 47, the Fast Business Opening System (SARE), among others.
Barrera Concha added that tourism demand resulted in the expansion of Merida’s air connectivity, with nine airlines currently serving 22 national and international destinations.
Among other points, he explained that he is working in coordination with the industrial sector through programs such as “Industrias al 100”, to improve the environment, security and public services in the 12 industrial parks in the municipality.
In the area of security, the Mayor emphasized that in order to strengthen public peace and harmonious coexistence, the Park Rangers program was created, who contribute to increase the security of families and the care of the urban infrastructure in more than 150 parks.
He indicated that thanks to these actions and programs carried out in the Municipality, today Merida is recognized as the fourth city in the category “Best Big Cities” by the international magazine Condé Nast Traveler, together with international destinations such as Singapore, Bankgog, Tokyo and Quebec.

He also stated that the city received international recognition for taking care of the safety of drivers and pedestrians by the international organization Vision Zero Challenge in 2022; it was ranked 20th in the list of 63 cities in the country in the Sustainable Cities Index (ICS), which measures the progress of metropolitan areas.
Finally, he mentioned that it is also recognized among the Creative Cities of Unesco since 2019, as one of the best to travel in 2022; and is selected as one of the five candidate cities to be included within the Net Zero Cities initiative, which will be implementing the United States Agency for International Development, (USAID).
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