The 2022 edition of Otoño Cultural, Yucatán’s most important cultural festival, will be held in 24 municipalities and will include 95 academic, film, dance, literature, music and theater activities.
The head of the Secretariat of Culture and the Arts (Secretaría de la Cultura y las Artes, Sedeculta), Loreto Villanueva Trujillo, detailed that, in accordance with the instruction of Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, during 18 days, from October 13 to 30, 1,651 artists will present their proposals, in 17 more locations than in 2019 and 2021.
“We will hold 95 totally free activities, 58 of them in Mérida and 37 in the state’ s interior: we will have popular music; Yucatecan trova; regional theater; chamber music concerts; theater and music, for girls and boys; literature, classical, folkloric and contemporary dance activities; community and contemporary bilingual Mayan-Spanish theater; cinema, and academic activities,” he added.
She informed that the Executive invested three million pesos, benefiting 34,253 people, and the Theatrical Delirium will return on the 29th at 7:30 p.m., from Parque de Santa Ana to the Catedral de San Ildefonso, which will conclude with a parody of Shakespeare, written by Alicia García and directed by Tomás Ceballos.
Regarding the social impact of this scheme, the official emphasized that it will reach eight places, such as the “Brunet Celarain” Asylum, the “Las Palomas” Day Care Center, the “María” and “Hogar del abuelo feliz” (Happy Grandfather’s Home), the “San Vicente de Paul” Temporary Shelter, the “Renacer” Integral Center for the Fullness of the Elderly, and the Social Rehabilitation Center (Cereso) for both women and men.
The inaugural concert will be on the 13th, at 8:00 pm, at the “José Peón Contreras” Theater; the Yukalpetén Typical Orchestra and its soloists Jesús Armando and Javier Alcalá, under the direction of Pedro Carlos Herrera, as well as María Medina, Arianna and the “Alfredo Cortés Aguilar” State Folkloric Ballet, coordinated by Joaquín Guzmán, will participate.
He mentioned that, in addition to Mérida, there will be options in the Casas de la Cultura and other venues in Chicxulub Pueblo, Conkal, Homún, Hunucmá, Kanasín, Maní, Motul, Oxkutzcab, Panabá, Progreso, Sotuta, Sucilá, Tecoh, Tekantó, Tekax, Ticul, Tixkokob, Tizimín, Ucú, Umán, Valladolid, Yaxkukul and Yobaín.
The head of Creation, Production and Programming of Sedeculta, Fernando Faz Rodríguez, highlighted that Mario “Dzereco” and Daniel “Nohoch” Herrera, Yahal Kab, Marilú Basulto, Cony Ancona, Alberto Palomo, Fernando Ruz, Teatro “La Camarita”, Créssida Danza and the Ballet de Cámara de Bellas Artes will be present.
There will also be a conference on Paco Marín, a tribute for the 50th anniversary of Salim Alcocer Lixa “Tío Salim”, the Festival de Teatro de Municipios (Festem), the 56th anniversary of the Rondalla Universitaria, the talk “Memoria visual, los tesoros del Caihly” and two presentations: the poetry book Tribulaciones de un fariseo, by Álvaro Baltazar Chanona Yza, and the novel Cuarto 7, by Edgardo Arredondo.
During the Delirio, Madeleine Lizama “Candita”, Hernán Novelo “Nanni Namú”, Mario Herrera III, Fernando “Cheto” Herrera, Narda Acevedo “Chonita”, Alicia García “Xpet”, Manolo del Río “Pixculín”, José Luis Almeida, Betty Yáñez “La Bomba” and many more will perform.
Other venues will be the “José María Iturralde Traconis” Theater in Valladolid and the “Armando Manzanero” Theater in this city, the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya (GMMMM), the Palacio de la Música- Centro Nacional de la Música Mexicana, the Biblioteca Pública Central “Manuel Cepeda Peraza”, the Auditorio del Parque Lineal, the Foro Alternativo “Rubén Chacón” and Paseo 60.
The lineup will be available for consultation on the official profiles of the department on social networks,, and, as well as on its website,
Otoño Cultural 2022, con fuerte sentido social. (2022, octubre 1). Yucatan Ahora.
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