Home Feature At 90, Don Edilberto Uc keeps selling “Granizados” in the streets of Merida

At 90, Don Edilberto Uc keeps selling “Granizados” in the streets of Merida

by Yucatan Times
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At almost 90 years of age, Mr. Edilberto Uc continues working every day selling his famous “Granizados” in the streets of Merida, quenching the thirst of locals and tourists.

This senior citizen is widely recognized in the Prepa Uno of the UADY, in the east of Merida, where he is well-known for his products.

Born in 1933 in the city of Tizimín, this character referred to having had a working life, because although he told his father he wanted to go to school, the precarious economic situation of his family made it impossible, so from a very young age he joined the labors in his father’s milpa.

Sometime later, Don Edilberto accompanied his father for several years in the fieldwork in his native Tizimín, due to the cattle boom in the area, although having no progress in his life, he decided to try his luck as a mason’s assistant, a job he held until 1951 when he was already 18 years old. And that’s when he decided to travel to Mérida.

In the state capital, he managed to get a place to live on the Fénix route, while, to continue with his productive life, he acquired a modest tricycle and adapted it to sell seasonal fruits in the surrounding streets.

Some time later, he decided to venture into what would be his main activity for the last 30 years: the sale of “Granizados” (slushies), an activity that he continues to carry out with pleasure, despite his advanced age.

Today, Don Edilberto enjoys the affection and recognition of his clients, who do not hesitate to give him preference to enjoy his “Granizados” and “Raspados”, especially when the Prepa Uno students finish their school day feeling thirsty.

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