Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal continues to support Yucatecan producers to plant new crops that allow marketing and self-consumption through the delivery of fertilizers, for the benefit of more than 10,000 men and women dedicated to agricultural activities in 25 municipalities across the state.
Tinum, Yucatan, July 3, 2022.- The head of the Rural Development Secretariat (Seder), Jorge Díaz Loeza, delivered the fertilizers in Maní, Muna, Tinum, and Dzitás, a plan in which 30 million pesos are invested, and will help farmers to obtain positive results with their crops.
Severiano Chan Dzib from the municipality of Dzitás, said that despite the fact that he walks with difficulty, together with his family he continues to work on his Milpa by planting his corn, for which he is very grateful for the State Government support.
Díaz Loeza highlighted the importance of the delivery of this type of support during the rainy season, as it will provide the nutrients that the soil or substrates lack, improving the yield of the crops and allowing greater production.

The head of the Seder recalled that, under the Governor’s instructions, the state agency has provided support to state producers, such as queen bees, bee boxes, achiote plants, and improved bananas. In addition to the drilling of agricultural wells and the livestock improvement program.
“Furthermore, thousands of tons of balanced feed were delivered, as well as corn silos, among other items for the support of local ranchers,” he pointed out.
After receiving two packages of fertilizer, Jacinto Santa María, from Tinum, stated that now his crops will have better quality, which also guarantees better sales in the market where he offers his products.
“Today we see that officials come out to visit us and that is a good thing, I am 82 years old, and I have rarely seen them come to the municipality to give us support, they are working and I congratulate them, I am going to apply this product to my beans, corn, and pumpkin crops”, don Jacinto concluded.
Thanking the Governor for the concern of the Yucatecan producers, the mayor of the municipality of Tinum, Alicia Góngora Mejía, declared that these supports not only help the recovery of the Yucatecan agricultural sector but also contribute to improving the quality of life of the beneficiary families.
“I am very happy because today the people of Tinum do not feel left behind, today we are working as a team to achieve progress in our municipality,” Góngora Mejía concluded.
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