Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented the document, which brings together the opinions of 135,000 Yucatecans from the 106 municipalities, and experts to continue transforming the state.
(TYT).- Strategic lines and priority plans are proposed to reinforce what has been achieved and continue forward, teaming up to face the challenges to come.
With the voice of more than 135,000 Yucatecans from the 106 municipalities and experts, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal led the presentation of the 2040 Agenda, built through a historic exercise of citizen participation, that contains projects, goals, and solutions in the short, medium and long term, and continue transforming Yucatan with a vision for the future, promoting social and economic development, in favor of families.
From the International Congress Center, the Governor announced this initiative, carried out through dialogue and consultation with various sectors of society, which outlines the strategic lines and priority plans, to reinforce what has been achieved and continue towards forward, teaming up to face the challenges to come.
Regarding this, the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Mexico, Lorenzo Jiménez de Luis, congratulated Governor Vila Dosal, for his political and future vision, to prepare a work plan that allows meeting the challenges in years to come, in an inclusive and participatory manner, in order to build a better Yucatan with well-being for all.
“The 2040 Agenda is a tool that identifies the causes of problems and challenges, with a vocation for resolution, and there is no more accurate state policy than the one Yucatan has with this tool,” the governor said.
For his part, the director of the subregional headquarters in Mexico of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Hugo Eduardo Beteta Méndez, pointed out that this Agenda allows Yucatecans to have a shared vision, which allows them to plan and build the future, incorporating alliances and commitments that translate into tangible benefits for all.
In this sense, Beteta Méndez thanked Vila Dosal and his team for their interest in promoting important change. “The Agenda that is being delivered today is very advanced for the rest of Mexico and Latin America. They can count on the contributions and accompaniment of ECLAC to accompany them in the 2040 agenda and take on the challenges of sustainable development in Yucatan”, he pointed out.
At the event, the Governor stated that the Yucatan that we all want cannot be decided by one Government, but must be decided by all of us, so the actions proposed in the Agenda will allow us to have a state full of opportunities. , which grows evenly, thinks and acts for the benefit of future generations.
Accompanied by the mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, Vila Dosal recalled his firm commitment to transform things and provide the citizens with more and better job opportunities; however, due to the pandemic and weather phenomena, things changed and made us go a little slower, but they have not stopped us and, today, thanks to everyone’s efforts, we have managed to get ahead.
The Governor pointed out that today there is job creation and economic growth well above the national average, which little by little, is beginning to be felt in the pockets of Yucatecans, but it is everyone’s responsibility to direct our future development in a professional, planned, productive and sustainable way while taking care of cultural identity, Mayan heritage, customs, traditions and what makes us unique.
“What we Yucatecans want is to preserve their identity and their culture, we do not want lawsuits or sterile confrontations, but rather unity and to achieve this, a lot of social participation is required, as we did in the creation of the Yucatan 2040 Agenda”, he added.
For this reason, Vila Dosal affirmed that policies and actions that listen to the people will continue. “Because here in Yucatan, the projects and programs for the next 3 years will continue to be directed by the people, with their needs, their demands, and not by the government or political interests,” the governor said.
In this sense, he thanked ECLAC, the UNDP in Mexico, the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), and the German Agency for International Development Cooperation (GIZ) for the support provided to make this document a reality.
In the year 2040, we will look back and we will see that all this effort that has been made by all of us has been worth it. Because when you work in unity, better results are undoubtedly achieved and I have no doubt that this document will be the framework for planning and development of the transformation of Yucatan, not only in this government but will surely continue to be the basis for those who come later, concluded Vila Dosal.
Addressing his remarks, the president of the Yucatan Business Coordinating Council (CCEY) and the Mérida National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco-Servytur), Iván Rodríguez Gasque, highlighted the importance of this document and assured that businessmen they see this tool as a guide for the Yucatan of the future, in favor of the next generations, since it is elaborated with the voices of all Yucatecans.
The head of the Technical Secretariat for Planning and Evaluation (Seplan), Jorge Luis Avilés Lizama, was responsible for the preparation of the 2040 Agenda, the participation of more than 135 thousand people was achieved through 39 participatory dialogues, 5 forums with experts, 106 municipal consultations, 4 meetings with specialists and 7 regional consultations.
Thanks to this, 30 topics, 70 objectives, 161 strategies, 732 lines of action, 76 indicators, and 16 goals were achieved, directed towards sustainable, fair, and equitable development, which ensures the well-being of the people, for which monitoring and evaluating the results together with civil society, universities, powers and autonomous bodies, dependencies, government entities, business chambers, municipalities and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
In this initiative, the voices of the various Powers, autonomous bodies, business chambers, universities, and government orders are contemplated, as well as national and international specialized organizations, such as UNDP, and the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval ), IMCO and GIZ.
It contains goals for 2024, 2030, and 2040, while incorporating 5 dimensions of sustainable development: Yucatan with a better quality of life for people, which will concentrate actions and programs to reduce social gaps, combat poverty and achieve greater inclusion, and Yucatan prosperous and competitive, with strategic projects to increase investment and economic growth.
Similarly, Yucatan cares for the planet, where strategies are incorporated to reduce the effects of climate change, improve sustainable mobility and prevent risks in the event of contingencies or natural disasters; Yucatán without corruption, with security and in peace, considers projects and policies to increase legal certainty, increase security and combat crime and corruption, and Yucatán united based on strategic alliances, which articulates actions, programs, and projects, concerted with Powers, bodies, and sectors of various fields of competence.
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