Home PlanetYucaEnvironment Tropical waves and possible hurricanes are approaching Mexican territory (CONAGUA)

Tropical waves and possible hurricanes are approaching Mexican territory (CONAGUA)

by Yucatan Times
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Significant rains are forecast over the states of southeastern Mexico and a probable cyclonic formation is expected in the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

(CONAGUA).- The 2022 rainy and hurricane season has already begun in Mexican territory and in an important way in the southeastern part of the country and the region of the Yucatan Peninsula. This time, the combination of a trough and the arrival of a tropical wave is expected to favor rains and electrical storms in the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, a condition that could last until next week.

The Conagua National Meteorological Service (SMN) activated its radar in the Gulf of Mexico and warned that the tropical cyclone is located 745 kilometers north of the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, in the Mexican Caribbean.

According to the Conagua statement, a low-pressure zone was formed with a 10 percent probability of developing a tropical cyclone, this would be the first of the 2022 hurricane season and would be named ‘Alex ‘. It currently shows a slow movement towards the north.

The agency reported that “monitoring of the low-pressure area with a 10 percent probability of developing into a tropical cyclone” is maintained, although it is located “far from national coasts, for the moment.”

In this sense, the states affected by intense rains (75 to 100 mm per day) are Chiapas and Tabasco, and very strong (50 to 75 mm per day) are the states of Yucatán, Campeche, and the southern zone of Quintana Roo. In some locations, the storms could be accompanied by important electrical activity and strong gusts of wind.

Due to its proximity to our country of the tropical wave, it is important to follow up and be aware of the update of the forecasts.

What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a weather phenomenon that can be described as a giant funnel-shaped whirlpool. It can reach a diameter of about one thousand km and a height of 10 km.

It can also produce winds with speeds over 200 km/hour, with gusts of up to 400 km/hour; bringing with it heavy rain. The Mexican territory had never before received the direct impact of a category 5 hurricane (winds above 250 km per hour).

What to do in case of a hurricane?

• Agree on the preventive activities that each person will carry out.

• Have a place to protect animals and equipment.

• Make necessary repairs to roofs, windows, and walls to prevent further damage.

• Store fertilizers and insecticides in waterproof places and consider transportation in case of living with sick relatives, senior citizens, children, or people with disabilities.

• Determine a place to meet, in case you become separated.

• Have a list of emergency items on hand, such as a first aid kit, radio, battery-powered flashlight, extra batteries, and canned food.

How to act during the passage of a hurricane, according to Civil Protection

• Maintain a high level of attention to official information.

• Learn about the location of temporary shelters.

• On the high seas, islands, and maritime oil installations, they must attend to navigation and Civil Protection instructions.

• Be prepared for a possible evacuation.

In the event that the population considers that their home is safe and is not in a risk area, the prevention measures are:

• Fix and tie well what the wind can throw.

• Take animals and work equipment to a safe place.

• Store loose objects (pots, trash cans, tools, etc.) that can be thrown by the wind.

• Remove television antennas, signs, and hanging objects.

• Clean the roof, drains, gutters and drains, and sweep the street uncovering the sewers.

• Seal the cover of your well with a cement mixture to have uncontaminated reserve water.

In case of evacuation:

• Secure the house and take essential items with you.

• Keep calm.

• Stay informed.

• Disconnect all appliances and the power switch.

• Close the gas and water taps.

• Alert known people about an emergency message.

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