Home Headlines The continuation or suspension of section 5 of the Mayan Train in the hands of a Mérida judge

The continuation or suspension of section 5 of the Mayan Train in the hands of a Mérida judge

by Yucatan Times
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A federal judge in Mérida postponed until Friday, May 27, the hearing in which he will decide whether to suspend indefinitely the works on section 5 South of the Mayan Train Project, between Playa del Carmen and Tulum.

Adrián Novelo, First District Judge in Yucatán, postponed the incidental hearing of the Amparo trial 884/2022, according to records from the Federal Judiciary Council. At that hearing, the judge will decide whether to grant a definitive suspension, which would be in effect for as long as the trial process takes.

It is the second postponement of the hearing, originally scheduled for April 22.

The provisional suspension granted by the judge on April 12 remains in force, which has the following effect: “The construction of section 5 south of the Mayan Train must be suspended, any works related to the construction of infrastructure, removal or destruction of the biodiversity (minerals, flora, and fauna), or any other activity that implies its material execution is strictly forbidden until further notice, ” the judge indicated.

On the afternoon of Thursday, May 12, the Collegiate Court on Labor and Administrative Matters, based in Mérida, unanimously confirmed the provisional suspension, in a judgment that is unappealable, by declaring two resources of the Government’s complaint unfounded.

Both the judge and the court agreed that the work, in charge of the companies Grupo México and Acciona Infraestructuras, cannot continue as long as there are no environmental studies.

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