Mexico City authorities have searched for several days for the 26-year-old student of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) Karen Itzel Rodríguez Barrales, who was last seen on her way to deliver her thesis to the Interdisciplinary Center for Health Sciences. (CICS) located in Milpa Alta.
The search bulletin issued by the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ) of Mexico City, that the young woman who was studying Dentistry was last seen in the San José neighborhood of the Tláhuac District, on May 19.
As general data, it was shared that the woman is robust, with dark skin, a wide forehead, a largemouth, bushy eyebrows, and dark brown eyes, she also has straight dark brown hair and is 1.65 meters tall. The day she disappeared she was wearing a black shirt and light blue jeans.
“On Thursday, May 19th, she left around six in the morning, she said that she was going to deliver a thesis to her school, she was in the process of obtaining her college degree,” José Luis, the student’s husband, told the media, along with other friends and relatives, made a blockade last Saturday, May 21st, to demand the search and location of the young woman, who is the mother of a little boy.
During the demonstration on Tláhuac avenue, her relatives assured that Karen tried to communicate with her mother around 3:00 p.m. when she disappeared, but that she only managed to say “mamá” and the call was cut.
The husband also stated that he went to the CICS, but he was told that Karen had not attended that day, so he went to the Public Ministry to report her as missing.
Until now, the search bulletin for the IPN student was still valid on the FIEIDEPFP portal of the Capital Prosecutor’s Office.
Just a few weeks ago, the authorities located three IPN students, who were reported missing on different dates during the last week of March and the first week of April.
When they were located, the authorities reported that their absence was voluntary, but during their absence, their family and friends held demonstrations.
TYT Newsroom