Home Headlines 32-year-old patient dies from Covid in Yucatan

32-year-old patient dies from Covid in Yucatan

by Yucatan Times
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In Yucatan, the mandatory use of face masks in open spaces is withdrawn. The measure is maintained for closed spaces and public transport. It is recommended, as a preventive measure, the use of face masks in older adults, people with comorbidities that put their health at risk or present symptoms of respiratory diseases.

As has been pointed out, in the economic reopening the most important data are hospital occupancy and daily admissions. Today we have 5 patients in public hospitals.

103,226 patients have already recovered: they have no symptoms and cannot be contagious. This figure represents 93% of the total registered infections, which is 110,754.

Today 77 new infections of Coronavirus were detected:

57 in Merida

10 in Uman

4 in Progress

3 in Kanasin

1 in Conkal, Samahil and Tekax

Of the 110,754 positive cases, 769 are from another country or another state.

Specifically, in Mérida, 69,444 people infected with Coronavirus have been diagnosed (accumulated cases as of May 20), who live in:

17,919 in the North zone

16,913 in the East zone

6,599 in the Downtown area

11,061 in the South zone

16,952 in the Poniente area

In this medical part, 1 deceased person is reported:

1.- 32-year-old male from Mérida

In total, there are 6,932 people who have died from the Coronavirus.

Of the active cases, 591 are stable, isolated, monitored by SSY medical personnel; have mild symptoms.

As already mentioned, 5 of the positive cases are in public hospitals and in total isolation. There are other patients awaiting diagnosis.

The age range of the cases is from 1 month to 107 years.

TYT Newsroom

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