Mérida Tourist Police Provides Guidance and Surveillance

(Photo: Yucatán al Instante)

Mayor, Renán Barrera Concha, assured that the services offered by the Mérida Municipal Police Directorate were extended in the historic center to provide attention to national and international visitors who come to enjoy the gastronomic, cultural, and artistic wealth in the Municipality.

Since the implementation of the Holy Week operation last Friday, Barrera Concha reported that the municipal corporation has assigned the tourist police squad to the Plaza Grande and Hidalgo Park to support visitors who request information to find the points of interest in Merida.

“With the recent economic reactivation and the boost to the development of the sector, as a Municipality, we provide attention to visitors through our tourist modules and they are reinforced with the tourist police n the historic center, who not only protect them during their stay in the city but also promote guided tours, restaurants and services in the White City”, he said.

He recalled that last Friday a special operation was activated in the historic center, in which more than 380 agents and 40 units of the corporation participate to protect the population during these two weeks of vacation, in addition to having strategic operations to avoid the incidence of crime this season.

In addition, he added, part of this operation is to extend the social proximity services that the corporation has, which range from paramedics, citizen attention, support, and road services, to providing information to those who visit the Yucatan.

For his part, the director of the Municipal Police, Mario Arturo Romero Escalante, explained that the tourist police are trained to communicate in two languages, the most frequent being English, in addition to having completed training programs on topics such as history, archaeological points, tourist services, and gastronomic centers.

“The constant updating that our agents receive is also complemented with information on the network of foreign transport routes that exist in the historic center, with which we not only take care of the citizens who arrive in the city but also those who travel to other points of the Peninsula or to the coasts”, he highlighted.

He specified that the elements assigned to the Plaza Grande and Hidalgo Park serve an average of 50 people a day, who request information on restaurants with typical food, cultural shows in the city, and archaeological attractions near Mérida.

He pointed out that other requests for information are the location of ATMs, banks, markets, hours of operation in these spaces, as well as hotels and shopping malls.

“The Municipal Police of Mérida has established services to maintain our high safety rates, but we complement them with these services to citizens that allow us to promote the attractions of Mérida, which range from first aid to citizen attention, so that the visitors have a pleasant experience during their stay here”, he added.

He indicated that the visitors can identify the tourist police by the electric vehicles they use, and they will be taking tours on Calle 60 between 63 and 47 and on Calle 58 between 47 and 65, to provide care to those who need it.

Finally, citizens who need emergency services can call 911 or (999) 9420060 to request support, where they will be sent the services they require.

TYT Newsroom

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1 comment

ricardo January 16, 2024 - 12:41 pm
Hace unos días llegó a Mérida Torben Sondergaard, ciudadano de Dinamarca, con el objetivo de desarrollar su secta en la que critica y denigra a la Iglesia Católica y desarrollar sus actividades afines por las que ya lleva más de un año encarcelado en Estados Unidos. En 2019, huyó de Dinamarca hacia Estados Unidos porque la policía estaba investigando abusos contra niñas y personas vulnerables. Después de pasar dos años en Estados Unidos, fue arrestado y encarcelado bajo sospecha de trata de personas, contrabando de armas con México, abuso de personas vulnerables y evasión fiscal. El FBI y el IRS todavía están llevando a cabo varias investigaciones. Acaba de pasar mas de un año en prisión en Estados Unidos antes de ser deportado a Dinamarca. Tras unos meses en Dinamarca, acaba de volver a huir de su país para no tener que responder ante la policía y anunció en Facebook que se iba a instalar en México para desarrollar sus actividades en América Latina. Se instaló en Mérida y comenzó a vagar por las calles de la ciudad donde se acercaba a jóvenes que intentaba reclutar para su secta. Este hombre es peligroso para las personas vulnerables y la policía debería controlar sus actividades antes de que cause más víctimas como en Europa o Estados Unidos. A continuación encontrará un enlace de información sobre esta persona. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Torben_S%C3%B8ndergaard
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