Heading into the Easter holiday period, which is about to start, the ecotourism inns of Yucatán have begun to show the first signs of recovery in terms of the arrival of national and international visitors, especially during the weekends, when they have advance reservations and even the occupancy reaches 90 percent.
(Sipse) Mérida, Yucatán.- On Suday, March 20th, the person in charge of the “Apiturismo de Sinanché” tourist inn, Benigno Ramírez Espinosa, stated that they have begun to have good occupancy rates at the site, especially with the arrival of people from the central area of the country and foreigners, mainly from Europe.
He said that although for the moment they continue operating exclusively during the weekends, the increase they have had in terms of reservations and tours is almost 50 percent, since they have gone from having only three groups of visitors to a total of six from Friday to Sunday.
“Now that the Lent period has begun, we are beginning to notice a little more movement in the tourist hostels, cenotes and beaches, in our case we continue to open only on weekends, but we already have some reservations, especially from national and foreign tourists,” he said.
Ramírez Espinoza announced that once the Easter holiday period officially begins, in April, the tourist hostel will begin to open every day, as it is expected to be “a big break” for service providers, especially due to the decrease in the number of Covid infections that have been reported lately.
He indicated that the expectations are positive for the next vacations, in which the arrival of visitors will not only benefit those in charge of ecotourism inns, but also all those who depend on tourism in general, such as service providers on the coast and Magic towns.
Ramírez Espinoza noted that in order not to affect the arrival of tourists to the area, the parador decided to maintain the same prices as in previous years, so the same packages will be handled: number one, 150 pesos; number two, 200; and number three, 400 pesos.
“The expectations for Easter are very positive, we hope that the pandemic situation continues to decline and that allows more people to visit us soon,” he stressed.
Finally Ramírez Espinoza pointed out that: “Apiturismo de Sinanché” is a hostel where people can learn more about beekeeping and the work of bees, through a tour of villages or huts, where they can learn to make candles, soaps and about the properties and benefits of honey.

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