Daylight saving time 2022 in Mexico will begin on April 3


On April 3rd, 2022, wintertime will end and summertime will begin, so the clock will have to be moved forward one hour.

Although wintertime is not over yet, in April we will have to adjust our clock again with the 2022 summertime change in Mexico.

So for you to take it into account here we tell you when you should adjust the time to be in sync.

When does the time change in Mexico in 2022?
Daylight saving time will begin next Sunday, April 3, and end on Sunday, October 30. It will last a little over six months.

With daylight saving time, the clock should be set forward one hour.

Summertime will not apply in the 33 municipalities of the northern border strip, Sonora and Quintana Roo.

These municipalities usually apply the time change a few weeks before the rest of the country because they are synchronized with the time change in the United States.

Meanwhile, Quintana Roo ‘moved’ in 2015 to the group of 75° west, to be one hour ahead of the center of the country and thus benefit tourism with one more hour of light on the beach. Its schedule is fixed throughout the year.

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