On Wednesday, a 25-year-old woman told her family that she was meeting someone she met on Facebook. However, she did not return home.
(DY).- Hours had passed since she left her home, she did not come back from her date and her cellphone was off, so her family became desperate and reported her missing to the authorities.
24 hours passed and, on Thursday morning, when one of the young woman’s uncles was driving on the old highway to Mérida, he saw her walking by the road, and noticed that she had signs of violence, so he immediately took her to her home, located in the Esperanza neighborhood.
According to reports from Campeche, the young woman said that the subject she met on Facebook attacked her, sexually abused her, stole her belongings and then abandoned her on the road, so she spent the night wandering around the streets.
After being treated by the paramedics, the victim proceeded to go to the women’s justice center to file her complaint.
TYT Newsroom