In the framework of the Mexican Army Day, Governor Mauricio Vila recognized and thanked the work of the Armed Forces in the face of the pandemic and the passage of natural phenomena through the state.
(MERIDA, YUC. – YUCATAN STATE GOVERNMENT).- In Yucatán, the will, dialogue and coordination with the Armed Forces and the different security forces of Mexico have made the entity reaffirm its role as the safest state in the country, where families enjoy quality of life, said Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal in the framework of the Mexican Army Day.
Along with the commander of the X Military Region, Division General Homero Mendoza Ruiz, Vila Dosal led, accompanied by his son, Mauricio, the ceremony for the 109th anniversary of the formation of the Constitutionalist Army and reaffirmed his commitment to maintaining security levels in the territory, because “with these actions, we prove that, here, in Yucatan, what matters, over any will, is dialogue; here, partisan distinctions do not exist, because the social problems that afflict our population have no colors”.
Taking the floor, Commander Mendoza Ruiz rectified his will to continue working in coordination to continue making Yucatan the safest entity in the country. “We will continue to work firmly, but legally, with dedication and a great sense of responsibility, with the determination to continue helping the authorities of the 3 orders of government and the conviction of work and dedication of the soldiers of the Mexican army”, he asserted.

(Photo: Yucatan State Government)
“We have seen how heroes have been changing faces, building our country, in the most critical moments, as well as supporting military health personnel, who have been at the forefront of the worst pandemic; however, the Army has always stood up for us in our worst moments,” said the Governor before the President of the State Superior Court of Justice, Ricardo de Jesús Ávila Heredia.

(Photo: Yucatan State Government)
“Security does not correspond only to an institution or even to a government order; we are all part of it, and something that I can highlight is that, here in Yucatan, thanks to this collaboration, today we have the safest state in the entire country. We have to continue working together, the 3 levels of government and between institutions, to reaffirm this role of Yucatan”, assured Vila Dosal.

(Photo: Yucatan State Government)
Finally, the Governor stated that, in the administration under his charge, the Army will always find an ally, so that each person who lives in Yucatan has the best security, the best present and the best future, which motivates us all to move forward.
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