It is the first generation that will study this specialty and that will contribute to consolidate the territory as a pole in the matter at the national level.
(MERIDA, YUC. – UTM).- With 34 students, a figure higher than expected, the State Government launched the new Postgraduate Course in Aeronautical Engineering at the Metropolitan Technological University (UTM), the only one in the state to train specialists that apply their skills, capacities and abilities, to propose solutions to the aerospace sector, improve its environment and attract investment.
Half of the registered people belong to companies of said category in the entity and seven were already registered in the same institution.
(Photo: Sipse)
Among the competitive advantages and benefits of this plan, is the academic level of the teachers who teach the classes, since they have specialized training at the postgraduate level and work in different renowned firms, at the national and international levels, such as Aeroméxico , General Electric, Safran Group of France, PCC Airfoils and FAA, among others.
The students will be able to use modern technological tools, in the Design, Innovation and Digital Manufacturing, Logistics and Industry 4.0 Laboratories, recently inaugurated at the UTM and equipped with the French platform Dassault Systemes, the most widely used in this industry for design, simulation of processes and functionality tests, in parts, components and assemblies.
Similarly, they will have access to a hangar at the Mérida International Airport, with the benefit of having operational aircraft, to learn in a real environment.

(Photo: Sipse)
As part of the infrastructure in the matter that is available in Yucatan and together with the laboratories of the UTM, the Polytechnic University of Yucatan (UPY) also has a new Academic Laboratory of Innovation, Design and Digital Manufacturing, equipped with technology of first world and the most advanced in digital design to contribute to the specialization of human resources in technological capabilities focused on the aeronautical industry and industry 4.0.
With these 3 Laboratories, Yucatan is positioned as a spearhead in the development of the southeast of the country by joining the collaboration platform between Mexico and France for Innovation and Industrial Design oriented to the aeronautical sector.
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