The ticket price to enter the Archaeological site of Chichen-Itza increases for the second time this year

For the second time so far this year, the price of admission to the archaeological site of Chichen Itza increased from 538 pesos to 571.

(MERIDA, YUC. – INAH).- Since this February 1st, it increased 33 pesos, that is, six percent. It should be noted that until December 31 of last year the ticket cost 533 pesos, but as of January 1st, 2022 the fee increased by five pesos: 538 pesos.

For exactly one month, the cost to admire the seventh wonder of the world increased by 38 pesos in total, that is, 7.1 percent in one month, more than in the whole year 2021.

It should be remembered that on Sundays, access is free for national and foreign tourists residing in Mexico, upon displaying an official credential with a photograph.

Only adults over 60 years of age, retirees and pensioners, teachers and students, children up to 12 years of age, as well as researchers and interns with INAH permission and people with disabilities do not have to pay for access.

The archaeological zone of Chichén Itzá, which is one of the wonders of the world, attracted the largest number of visitors in 2021 with 1, 514, 680 national and foreign tourists, far surpassing Teotihuacán, which received 762, 115 visitors in the same period. 

TYT Newsroom

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